Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A shift to rhetoric (?)

This hybrid language follows the demands of the medium itself rather than the idiosyncrasies of its users (407).
Rafael's statement, specifically directed at the language system of texting, brings to mind the Saussurian notion lack of positivism in language. Expression in "txt" does not come from an idiosyncratic agent, rather, when texting, form (not content), is privileged. This is even laid out in how 'generation txt' operates:
"Instead of ideals or a critique of social relations, Generation Txt is characterized here by attitudes and affects (411)."

I believe that these characteristics of the 'txting revolution' supports notions of bourgeoisie appropriation of language; how else would a political movement of resistance against corruption lack a 'critique of social relations?'

The power of texting has less to do with the capacity to elicit interpretation and stir
public debate than it does with compelling others to keep messages in circulation (409).
The emphasis which texting places on rhetorical devices seems to help it in its revolutionary goals and seems to imply a contradictory 'can't have your cake and eat it' scenario: Must successful resistance to injustice and inequalities concerning social relations come at the cost of not confronting the topic of social power struggles?

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